ACC NZ Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of ACC NZ is 0800 222 822 / 0800 101 996 / 0800 222 070 / (03) 440 0201 .
ACC NZ is a group of associated group which provides a vast type of security within the New Zealand to the locals and others. ACC NZ is one of the leading corporative team which offers best care to the injured persons. ACC NZ looks after the accidental cases and injuries within the New Zealand. ACC NZ is trying to make a safe and clean city for the people so that thay can a life without any threat. ACC NZ is one of the leading security provider corporation of New Zealand. ACC NZ is also considered as a highly donator of the charities and other organizations. ACC NZ is not only offers their services within the corporative office but also create volunteer groups outside in order to provide a complete protection to the injured or others.

Contact numbers of ACC NZ

For the quick response of the ACC NZ, userscan dila the given phone numbers of ACC NZ which includes as:
  • Treatment injury centre: 0800 735 566
  • Sexual abuse (sensitive claims): 0800 735 566
  • Accidental death: 0800 222 075
  • General enquiries: (04) 816 7400
  • Overseas callers: +64 7 848 7403
  • Preventing fraud: 0800 372 830

Business Contacts of ACC NZ

For the business deals of the ACC NZ, holders can dial the given numbers in between the given time as:
Business Service Centre: 0800 222 776
Timing: 8am – 6pm NZT Monday to Thursday / 8am – 5pm NZT Friday
Employers: 0800 222 776
Self-employed: 0508 426 837 / (0508 4COVER)
Agents and advisors: 0800 222 991
Overseas callers: +64 4 816 7880
Debt management: 0800 729 538 / (0800 PAY LEVIES)

Providers Contacts of ACC NZ

In order to get connected with the providers of the ACC NZ, users can use the below contacts as:
Provider helpline: 0800 222 070
Timing: 8am - 6pm NZT Monday to Friday
Publications: 0800 844 657
ACC injury prevention unit: (04) 816 7400
Injury Management Team: 0800 101 996
Customer Support Service: 0800 650 222

Media Contacts of ACC NZ

For the details of the media services of the ACC NZ, users can use the below offered contacts as:
Stephanie Melville
Senior Media Advisor
Tel: (04) 816 7391
Mobile Number: 027 493 6858

Privacy Link Page of ACC NZ

For the details of the privacy terms and conditions of the ACC NZ, users can use the below offered contacts as:

Employment Link Page of ACC NZ

For the details of the vacancies within the ACC NZ, users can use the below mentioned employment link page as:

Website of the ACC NZ

In order to get more knowledge regarding the movements and actions of the team of the ACC NZ, users can feel free to click on the below mentioned link page as:

ACC NZ Address

The address of ACC NZ is 75 Tarbert Street Alexandra.

ACC NZ Website

The Website of ACC NZ is

ACC NZ Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of ACC NZ is 0800 222 822 / 0800 101 996 / 0800 222 070 / (03) 440 0201 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of ACC NZ Service Center and ACC NZ customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of ACC NZ customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against ACC NZ. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that ACC NZ will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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