Acer Uk Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Acer Uk is 0371 760 1005 .
Acer Inc is an international company which engages in the designing, manufacturing and marketing of information technology products and electronic information services. The company operates through its seven subsidiaries namely- Gateway, Inc, Escom, eMachines, Acer India, Acer America Corporation, Acer Computer Australia and Packard Bell.

It started its business in the year 1976 as Multitech. The company was established by Stan Shih. At the beginning, the company was involved as a distributor of electronic parts and offer consultation services in the use of microprocessor technologies to other companies. In the same year, the company manufactured the Micro-Professor MPF-I training kit. Later, it developed two Apple II clones named as the Microprofessor II and III. In 1987, the company was renamed as Acer. Then later, it began manufacturing of Ibm compatible computers. Acer Inc is one of the world's largest manufacturers of desktop computers and laptop computers.

Acer Inc provides a wide range of electronic goods including computers, computer storage devices, computers networking products, laptops, Mobile phones, smartphones, projectors, computer servers and other related products. It is listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange and secondary listings on London Stock Exchange. As per the company's report of 2011, Acer Inc had total employee strength of 7,757 which has been increasing every year. It is a worldwide company which has its corporate office in Xizhi, New Taipei, Taiwan.

Acer Uk Address

The address of Acer Uk is Heathrow Boulevard III, 282 Bath Road West Drayton, Greater London, UB7 0DQ, United Kingdom.

Acer Uk Website

The Website of Acer Uk is

Acer Uk Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Acer Uk is 0371 760 1005 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Acer Uk Service Center and Acer Uk customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Acer Uk customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Acer Uk Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. BARRY JONES CallsAug 02, 2013

Mr. BARRY JONES On Phone To Acer Uk Service
hi there, three months ago i bought an Acer aspire xc amd e1 processor BLACK for 439 from a littlewoods book.
now the other week it would not load windows, i phoned up the tec guys and they was unable to help and said it neede to go for repair, i sent it off, i got it back yesterday, and it had a ned hard drive fitted, i notice the front of the computer was a differant colour instead of being black it was grey,,(why). i turned it on and and found the computer could not find any wi-fi, so i phoned up the tec guys again, and now i have had to send it back AGAIN. SO £439 ON A NO GOOD ITEM??

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