Box Tops for Education Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Box Tops for Education is +1-888-799-2444 .
Box Tops for Education is listed as number one in the world's biggest school fundraising loyalty schemes which are helping various schools from the year of 1996. Box Tops for Education is a loyalty program through which the school can receive earning by sending the box tops coupons of the listed consumer products. The program is associated with over 90,000 schools. A person can clip the box tops of the various products mentioned on its website and in total they are over 200 participating products.

Box Tops for Education Working

According to the rules and regulations of the program, a person is required to clip the coupons from the box tops from mentioned product before mailing it to the Box Tops for Education. In lieu of every box tops, the school of the sender receives amount from the latter. The designated amount for every school is up to $20,000 per year and each coupon is worth 10ยข (cents). The person can also earn for his or her school by shopping through The Box Tops Marketplace.

About Box Tops for Education History

Box Tops For Education was started in 1996 by General Mills through its cereal boxes. In its journey of over 14 years, it claims to provide More Than US $600 million to participating schools.

Participating Box Tops Products

Participating products fall under category of apparel, cereal, food storage, baking & bakeware, frozen, meals & sides, paper products, produce, refrigerated, dairy, school & office supplies, snacks & juice, tableware waste bags and new products. To know more details about the participating products visit this link

Box Tops for Education Head Office Address:

Customer can visit the head office that is located at 350 Victor, Highland Park, Michigan 48203, United States of America.

Box Tops for Education Telephone Number:

+1-888-799-2444, customers call at this number to contact head office for any information or problem.

Box Tops for Education Fax Number:

+1-800-353-1341, customers can also use this fax number to send any documents to the head office whenever condition arises.

Box Tops for Education Website:, customers can also connect with Box Tops for Education through its official website.

Social Media Links

With the help of social media profile customers can follow the company's daily posts.

Box Tops for Education Facebook Page Link:

Box Tops for Education Twitter Page Link:

Box Tops for Education Pinterest Page Link:

Box Tops for Education Instagram Page Link:

Box Tops for Education Address

The address of Box Tops for Education is 350 Victor, Highland Park, Michigan 48203, United States of America.

Box Tops for Education Website

The Website of Box Tops for Education is

Box Tops for Education Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Box Tops for Education is +1-888-799-2444 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Box Tops for Education Service Center and Box Tops for Education customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Box Tops for Education customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Box Tops for Education Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. Gail Hubbard CallsOct 15, 2014

Ms. Gail Hubbard On Phone To Box Tops for Education Service
We mailed our box tops last week, only to receive them back as return to sender. We were totally unaware that the address had been changed. The postage for this was almost $20! now we will have to mail them again, costing our extremely poor rural school an additional $20. If the old information is incorrect, it would be so very helpful if someone would go on and at least amend that information to say something about the change so that other schools would not use it. I understand that the old info on the internet cannot be deleted, but surely it could be updated. People update web pages all the time.

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