Gujarat National Law University Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Gujarat National Law University is 07923287157, 07923287158 .
Gujarat National Law University - GNLU Gandhinagar was formed in the year 2003 on the five year integrated LL.B structure preferred by the Bar Council of India. It is one of India’s premier institutes of law and is currently located at Sector 24, Gandhinagar. The University has a well equipped library which contains books relating to various subjects in law as well as other non law subjects like Commerce, History and Sociology. The library can be accessed by the students from 9.30 a.m. to 9 p.m. The library also possesses various Law Reports both National and International.

The Gujarat National Law University - GNLU Gandhinagar has a computer laboratory with internet connection consisting of more than 40 computers. The Computer laboratory is located in the University campus and is open till 8 p.m. The University also provides 24/7 Internet access to its students in the Hostel by means of a Wi-Fi connection. The Academic block is also equipped with a Wi-Fi connection.

Gujarat National Law University - GNLU Gandhinagar organizes seminars and conference on a regular basis. Noted dignitaries have delivered guest lectures at the University. Some of them include Justice Y.K Sabharwal, the former Chief Justice of India, Justice C.K. Thakker, Judge, Supreme Court of India, Soli Sorabjee, noted jurist and Former Attorney General of India, and Prof. Upendra Baxi.

Moot Courts and other legal events are held regularly in the University, as a part of the curriculum as well as an extracurricular activity. The Gujarat National Law University - GNLU Gandhinagar has a Moot Court Committee for conduct of moot court activities. Students of the University have been regularly participating in National and International Moot Court activities and have been bringing accolades for the university from India and abroad. College offers Bachelor, Master, Diploma and doctoral courses leading to Law Stream.

Gujarat National Law University Address

The address of Gujarat National Law University is E-4, GIDC Electronics Estate, Sector 26, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

Gujarat National Law University Email Address

The email address of Gujarat National Law University is

Gujarat National Law University Website

The Website of Gujarat National Law University is

Gujarat National Law University Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Gujarat National Law University is 07923287157, 07923287158 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Gujarat National Law University Service Center and Gujarat National Law University customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Gujarat National Law University customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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