Howard Johnson Barrie Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Howard Johnson Barrie is +1-705-728-1312, 1-800-221-5801 .
Howard Johnson Barrie is one of the hotels that is a part of the Hotel chain named as a Howard Johnson's or Howard Johnson. Howard Johnson is a business division of the Wyndham Worldwide Corporation that act as the holding company of several hotel and resorts operating in the world. Howard Johnson is a full service chain of hotels, motels and AC restaurants located across the United States and Canada.

Howard Johnson Group Formation

Howard Johnson chain of hotels started their business journey in the year 1925 by the extreme efforts of Howard Johnson after whom the chain was named. He started the business with a pharmacy store that was converted into a ice-cream shop and later into a restaurant. The first restaurant featured several vegetarian and non-vegetarian food items such as chicken pot pies, frankfurters, ICE cream, fried clams, baked beans, and soft drinks. The company has one thousand plus franchised outlets that represents multiple locations of Canada. Howard Johnson also owns a supermarket that delivers a wide range of frozen foods in different variants.

The hotels in the Howard Johnson chain provide luxurious Rooms with state of the art and customer centric facilities that offers premium savings to the customers. The company has its primary motto to create comfortable, affordable and friendly hotels with unmatched amenities that would serve both vacationers and business travelers.

Howard Johnson Barrie Location:

150, Dunlop Street West, Barrie, ON-L4N1B2, Ontario, Canada
The above is the address of the Howard Johnson hotel in the city of Barrie in Ontario province. Howard Johnson Barrie offers an excellent range of hospitality services to their customers.

Howard Johnson Barrie Contact Number:

Howard Johnson Barrie hotel can be contacted for Hotel Booking and other related queries.

Howard Johnson Hotel Website:
More information about the Howard Johnson hotel chain can be obtained through its official website. The website list addresses of all the hotels of the chain in different locations of the world.

Howard Johnson Barrie Address

The address of Howard Johnson Barrie is 150, Dunlop Street West, Barrie, ON-L4N1B2, Ontario, Canada.

Howard Johnson Barrie Website

The Website of Howard Johnson Barrie is

Howard Johnson Barrie Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Howard Johnson Barrie is +1-705-728-1312, 1-800-221-5801 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Howard Johnson Barrie Service Center and Howard Johnson Barrie customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Howard Johnson Barrie customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Howard Johnson Barrie. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Howard Johnson Barrie will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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