University Inn South Burlington Vt Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of University Inn South Burlington Vt is +1 (802) 264-4114, 877-424-6423,800-300-8800 .
University Inn South Burlington vt is the public hospitality provider Hotel in Burlington in the United States. It offers the staying facility to the customers that includes guest rooms, conference room, meeting room etc. The hotel provides its services with the features such as free wireless high speed internet, coffee maker room microwave and refrigerator, iron and ironing board and many others to the customers. University Inn South Burlington provides hotel services at affordable rate to the guests and visitors. The Hotel has fifty six guest Rooms and suites with LCD facility, DVD and VCR player, wet bar and six person conference table.

Media Contacts of University Inn South Burlington Vt

1. Sarah Lee
Director, Public Relations
Choice Hotels International
Tel: 301-628-4397

2. Scott Carman
Director, Public Relations
Choice Hotels International (NYSE: CHH)
Tel: 301-592-6361

Contacts for Language Assistance

Spanish: 866-291-9816
French: 800-BO-REVES or 800-267-3837
International Languages: 800-654-6200
Hearing Impaired: 711

Other International Numbers of University Inn South Burlington Vt

American Samoa:Toll Free: 61-3-9243-2411
Australia:Toll Free: 13-2400
Belgium: Toll Free: 0800-18993
Brazil: Toll Free: 800-038-0635
Chile: Toll Free: 800-202-776
Czech Republic: Toll Free: 00 800 800 44 800
Denmark:Toll Free: 45 7012 1616
Estonia:Toll Free: (47) 2233 4200
France: Toll Free: 0-800-91-24-24
Germany: Toll Free: 0-800-1-8555-22
Hong Kong: Toll Free: 800-96-2532
India: Toll Free: 1-800-180-1380
Indonesia: Toll Free: 001-803-616-518
Italy: Toll Free: 800-872045
Latvia: Toll Free: +47 2233 4200
Mexico: Toll Free: 01-800-36-46835
New Zealand: Toll Free: 0-800-803-524
Norway: Toll Free: 47 2233 4200
Peru: Toll Free: 0800-51-758
Philippines: Toll Free: 1800-1611-0094
Portugal: Toll Free: 800-277-277
South Korea: Toll Free: 0038-61-0014

University Inn South Burlington Vt Address

The address of University Inn South Burlington Vt is 1 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont05403, United States.

University Inn South Burlington Vt Email Address

The email address of University Inn South Burlington Vt is

University Inn South Burlington Vt Website

The Website of University Inn South Burlington Vt is

University Inn South Burlington Vt contact person

The contact person of University Inn South Burlington Vt is Steve P. Joyce.

University Inn South Burlington Vt Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of University Inn South Burlington Vt is +1 (802) 264-4114, 877-424-6423,800-300-8800 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of University Inn South Burlington Vt Service Center and University Inn South Burlington Vt customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of University Inn South Burlington Vt customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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