2coms salt lake Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of 2coms salt lake is 03339897979 .
2COMS is one of the leading recruitment, staffing and skill development firms based in Kolkata, India. The Firm was established in the year 1999 and is operational throughout India. 2COMS has various clients like Wipro BPO, GE, Convergys, EXL, Mphasis, Mahindra Finance, ICICI Prudential, HSBC, Accenture, WNS, BNKe Solutions and many more. 2COMS also offers Job listings for job seekers. Some of the Job listing offered by 2COMS in recruiting include HR solutions, Permanent Recruitment Solutions, Contract Staffing, Flexi Force, Payroll Outsourcing, Skill Development, Recruitment Process Outsourcing in various Industries like Banking Financial Service Insurance, Telecom, IT/ITES, Healthcare etc. It also provides for skill building like IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council, Gems and Jewellery Skill Council of India, BFSI Sector Skill Council of India, Leather Sector Skill Council and Telecom Sector Skill Council

2coms salt lake Address

The address of 2coms salt lake is 8 Moulavi Mujibur Rahman Sarani, Kolkata – 700017, India.

2coms salt lake Email Address

The email address of 2coms salt lake is requirements@2coms.com.

2coms salt lake Website

The Website of 2coms salt lake is 2coms.com.

2coms salt lake Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of 2coms salt lake is 03339897979 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of 2coms salt lake Service Center and 2coms salt lake customer phone number is given below. The helpline of 2coms salt lake customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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