3i Infotech Delhi Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of 3i Infotech Delhi is +91 120 3323200 .
3i Infotech Limited is a world's premier IT information technology company which provides Technology services, IT services and Outsourcing. It was began its business in the year 1999 which is headqaurtered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. The managing Director and chief executive officer is Madhivanan Balakrishnan. The company had its revenue around US$390 million. 3i Infotech Limited employs more than 15,000 employees globally. It is one of the top 10 information technology companies across the India. Locuz Enterprise Solutions Limited is a subsidiary of 3i Infotech Limited. 3i Infotech Limited serves to approximately 1500 people. It has a large network in 50 countries in all over the world. It is an ISO and BPO certified company. The address and contact number of 3i Infotech Delhi is also used for 3i Infotech Delhi office address, 3i Infotech contact number, 3i Infotech contact details, 3i Infotech Delhi office, 3i Infotech Delhi contact number, 3i Infotech Limited Delhi and 3i Infotech BPO Limited Delhi.

Fax Number: (+91 120) 3323222.

3i Infotech Delhi Address

The address of 3i Infotech Delhi is B- 56, Sector 57, Ground Floor, 1st and 2nd Floor, Goutam Budh Nagar, Near Hyundai Work Shop, Noida, UP – 201 301, India.

3i Infotech Delhi Website

The Website of 3i Infotech Delhi is www.3i-infotech.com.

3i Infotech Delhi Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of 3i Infotech Delhi is +91 120 3323200 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of 3i Infotech Delhi Service Center and 3i Infotech Delhi customer phone number is given below. The helpline of 3i Infotech Delhi customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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