Abacus als pty ltd Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Abacus als pty ltd is +61 7 3391 9777 .
abacus als pty ltd is an Australian proprietary company located in Brisbane, Queensland. The company is one of the leading suppliers of high quality clinical, research and scientific products. The company has an experience of over forty years in this particular field. Abacus ALS came into being as a result of a merger between Abacus Diagnostics and Australian Laboratory Services (ALS)on 11 July 2007. Abacus ALS is an ISO 9001: 2008 accredited company. Abacus ALS has won the 2010 Telstra Queensland Business of the Year award. The company is also a member of both Australian and New Zealand industry bodies. Some of the products of the company are those used for Allergy, Autoimmunity, Histology, Endocrinology etc. in clinical sector. While antibodies, chemokines and biochemicals, etc. are used in research field. The company also produces laboratory equipments and laboratory instruments for scientific use.

Abacus als pty ltd Address

The address of Abacus als pty ltd is 12 Mowbray Tce, East Brisbane, Brisbane, Queensland 4169, Australia.

Abacus als pty ltd Email Address

The email address of Abacus als pty ltd is info@abacus-als.com.

Abacus als pty ltd Website

The Website of Abacus als pty ltd is www.abacus-als.com.

Abacus als pty ltd Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Abacus als pty ltd is +61 7 3391 9777 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Abacus als pty ltd Service Center and Abacus als pty ltd customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Abacus als pty ltd customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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