Abb, Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Abb, is +41-43-3177111, Fax: +41-43-3174420 .
ABB is a Switzerland based publicly traded limited company. The company is based on electrical equipment and mainly operated in robotics, power, and automation technology areas. ABB is renowned as the world's largest electricity grids builder. The company has operations in several sectors through five divisions namely Discrete Automation and Motion, Low Voltage Products, Power Products, Power Systems and Process Automation.

The Discrete Automation and Motion division is based on products like electric motors, generators, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), power electronics, and industrial robots. The division Low Voltage Products makes switches, low-voltage circuit breakers, wiring accessories, enclosures and cable systems etc. The Power Products division of ABB is further divided into three business arms, High Voltage Products, Medium Voltage Products and Transformers. ABB through its Power Systems division provides turnkey systems and services for power plants including electric power transmission and distribution grids.

ABB company was established in 1988 and it was the result of two companies ASEA of Sweden founded in 1883 and Brown, Boveri & Cie of Switzerland founded in 1891. The company has its head office in Zurich. As of 2013, it is listed at 158th in the Forbes Ranking. ABB has network in more than 100 nations across the United States, Asia, Oceania, Europe, Middle East and Africa. The Corresponding services of Abb service center are Abb authorized service center, Abb service pro and Abb service port.

Abb, Address

The address of Abb, is Affolternstrasse 44, CH-8050 Zurich, Switzerland.

Abb, Website

The Website of Abb, is

Abb, Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Abb, is +41-43-3177111, Fax: +41-43-3174420 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Abb, Service Center and Abb, customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Abb, customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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