Alex and Ani, Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Alex and Ani, is +1 (800) 725-7822 / +1 (203)691-8870 .
Alex and Ani LLC is a New York and Rhode Island based, one of the leading jewelery manufacturer. It deals in wide range of products including necklaces, bangles, rings and bracelets. Its products are available across the country through 300 retail stores. Its business development team consists of ten members, belongs ten different countries. These members have strong control on eight languages; Spanish, Italian, German, Tagalog, etc. The Company is a licensed partner of Major League Baseball, Newport Folk Festival, New England Revolution and other companies. Alex and Ani LLC was founded in 2004 by Carolyn Rafaelian and had entered into the international market in 2009 from Japan. It was named after the name of founder's daughters, Alex and Ani. Currently, the company has operations in ten countries. Some of its notable stores are located in Harvey Nichols (Kuwait), Arnotts (Ireland), Isetan (Japan) and many others. The company is engaged with International customers through local events and annual festivals.

Specifications Of Alex and Ani

Alex and Ani provide quality jewelry items to customers under various categories and brands. The company prime product range includes Rings, Earrings, Bracelets, Necklaces and Symbols. Alex and Ani also deliver special jewelry items for brides that consists of designed jewelry of various types. The retail company also offer different deals to customers that comprises of gift cards and value back offers.

Customer Contacts Of Alex and Ani

Alex and Ani has established following contacts:
Phone Number: 1 (800) 725-7822
Email ID:
Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM EST
Saturday - Sunday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM EST

Shipment Policy Of Alex and Ani

Alex and Ani is a customer centered undertaking and strives hard to serve customers better. The company deliver items to customer through different counties as the company has authorized dealers present at different locations all across the globe. Alex and Ani allows customer to order online by providing necessary details and customers will be receive a shipment email. The shipment mail contains all the information about the order delivery, arriving date, particulars of products. The company also empower customer to return the products if they are satisfied with the features or quality. Alex and Ani products comes with warranty and can be replaced any time within the warranty period. To know more about the shipment policy of Alex and Ani do, follow the link:

Alex and Ani, Address

The address of Alex and Ani, is 284, York Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06510, United States.

Alex and Ani, Email Address

The email address of Alex and Ani, is /

Alex and Ani, Website

The Website of Alex and Ani, is

Alex and Ani, Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Alex and Ani, is +1 (800) 725-7822 / +1 (203)691-8870 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Alex and Ani, Service Center and Alex and Ani, customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Alex and Ani, customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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