American Tourister, Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of American Tourister, is +1-508-646-1233 .
American Tourister is renowned as a suitcase brand across five continents. The brand is not famous just for luggages but also for a wide range of products like small toiletries bags, casual and business bags and laptop cases. Its other products include casual backpack, laptop backpack, ladies hand bags, camera cases etc. American Tourister sells its products in over 80 countries.

American Tourister brand came into existence as American Luggage Works by Sol Koffler in 1933. The company started operation as luggage manufacturer in Providence, Rhode Island. Later, the company changed its name into American Tourister. During 1993, American Tourister was purchased by Astrum International (currently as Samsonite International since 1966). American Tourister service centers are located in and out of the United States. The Corresponding services of American Tourister service center are American Tourister authorized service center, American Tourister luggage, American Tourister Luggage repair, American Tourister handbags and American Tourister repair center.

American Tourister Service Center in Sudbury, Massachusetts
Address: Bretts Luggage & Gifts, 423, Boston Post Road, Sudbury, Massachusetts 01776, United States
Phone Number: +1-508-875-4056, 978-440-9400

American Tourister, Address

The address of American Tourister, is Rs Luggage & Bag Repair, 1476, Pleasant Street, Fall River, Massachusetts 02723, United States.

American Tourister, Website

The Website of American Tourister, is

American Tourister, Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of American Tourister, is +1-508-646-1233 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of American Tourister, Service Center and American Tourister, customer phone number is given below. The helpline of American Tourister, customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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