Amrita Hospital Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Amrita Hospital is 0091 (0) 285 1234, .
Amrita Hospital is a well known healthcare institution that is equipped to render effective health and medical services to patients. The hospital has various latest diagnostic tools that helps in effective screening. The hospital has services of professional doctors to provide expert services to patients suffering from various ailments. Amrita Hospital, provide in patient and out patient services to patients.
Intrested Areas: amrita hospital, aimshospital, hospital, India, healthcare, southern India, charitable, charity, Kerala, Cochin, Kochi, medical centre, medical center, medical college,teaching, super speciality, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amrita University, Community Service, Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Amma, campus, Vision,Care,Mission,Pharmacy,Amrita Pharmacy,Courier Services,Home delivery,24 Hours Pharmacy, Demand Draft facility, RTGS,One of the largest 24 hrs hospital Pharmacy in India, Staff Development, OpportunitiesPharmacists, MBAs, MHAs, Astra Zeneca, Allergan, Dr. Reddy’s Pfizer,Local delivery,door delivery of medicines, courier delivery of medicines, pharmacy chemist , 24 hour chemist drugs , pharmaceutical, high quality medicines, entire range of medicines , hospital pharmacy in Ernakulam, 24 hour pharmacy in Ernakulam/cochin, 24 hours retail pharmacy, Pharmacy jobs,Opportunities for Pharmacists in Kerala/Ernakulam/Cochin, MBA jobs, Opportunities for MBAs/MHAs in Kerala/Ernakulam/Cochin, MBA jobs in Kerala/Ernakulam/Cochin, Pharmacy jobs in Kerala/Ernakulam/Cochin, Clinical Pharmacy, Health care, Quality services,Patient counseling, Patient education, Hotline services, Pharmacy trainings, Training programmes, Sanjeevani, Optical service, peripheral services, Urban centres, Customer services, Adverse drug event monitoring, Satellite Pharmacy, Medical Shop, B.Pharm/D. Pharm, Medicines, college

Amrita Hospital Address

The address of Amrita Hospital is Ponekkara, P. O Kochi, Kerala 682 041, India.

Amrita Hospital Email Address

The email address of Amrita Hospital is

Amrita Hospital Website

The Website of Amrita Hospital is

Amrita Hospital Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Amrita Hospital is 0091 (0) 285 1234, (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Amrita Hospital Service Center and Amrita Hospital customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Amrita Hospital customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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