Andrew P Hill High School Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Andrew P Hill High School is (408) 347-4100 .
Andrew Putnam Hill High School was opened in 1956. Andrew P Hill High School imparts Education in grades 9–12. It is one of the parts of the East Side Union High School District. The Total number of strength of students in school is nearly 2400. Falcon is the mascot of East Side Union High School District while its colors are Black and gold. Andrew P Hill High School is well known for its its International Baccalaureate (IB) and MAGNET program. It was on 390 rank on the survey of best 1600 high schools by Newsweak Magazine 2010. Notable alumni are George Achica, Steve Caballero, Mervyn Fernandez, Andrew X. Pham etc. The demography of the school is composed of roughly 65% Mexican American and 35% Vietnamese American. The address and contact number of Andrew P Hill High School is also used for Andrew Hill High School map, Andrew Hill High School staff, Andrew Hill reunion, Andrew P Hill High School bomb, Andrew P Hill High School alumni, Andrew P Hill High School Dress code and Andrew P Hill High School ib program.

Andrew P Hill High School Address

The address of Andrew P Hill High School is San Jose, California, United States.

Andrew P Hill High School Website

The Website of Andrew P Hill High School is

Andrew P Hill High School Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Andrew P Hill High School is (408) 347-4100 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Andrew P Hill High School Service Center and Andrew P Hill High School customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Andrew P Hill High School customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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