Anne Hathaways Cottage Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Anne Hathaways Cottage is +44 1789 292100 .
Anne Hathaway's Cottage is a farmhouse based in England. The Farmhouse is managed by Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. The first part of the house was designed before Fifteenth millennium. The bungalow was known as Newlands Village in Shakespeare's day. The Farmhouse area is spread in 90 acres. It was owned by Bartholomew. In 1969 the bungalow was poorly broken in a flame, but was restored by the Trust. It is now open up to public guests as a museum. Huge, and with several bed rooms, it is now set in comprehensive landscapes. The address and contact number of Anne Hathaways Cottage is also used for Anne Hathaway's Cottage Postcode, Anne Hathaways Cottage England, Anne Hathaway Cottage Cafe, Anne Hathaway Cottage Painting, Anne Hathaway Cottage Plates and Anne Hathaway Cottage Parking.

Anne Hathaways Cottage Address

The address of Anne Hathaways Cottage is Shottery, Warwickshire, England.

Anne Hathaways Cottage Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Anne Hathaways Cottage is +44 1789 292100 (Click phone number to call).

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