Blair Academy Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Blair Academy is 908-362-6121 .
Blair Academy is a private high school that serves 9-12 grades. Blair Academy is coeducational and boarding school that has the strength over 450 students. It has the campus spreading over an area of 435 acres. The school was founded in 1848. Blair Academy syllabus has been based on the traditional 4 year college-preparatory plan and the academic year is arranged in two semesters. Apart from its wide range of courses from the introductory level through AP (Advanced Placement), it offers other program such as Mandarin Chinese, Architecture, Roman History, Video Production and Marine Science. The athletic Team is known as the Buccaneer. The address and contact number of Blair Academy is also used for Blair Academy ranking, Blair Academy basketball, Blair Academy tuition, Blair Academy football, Blair Academy soccer and Blair Academy athletics.

Blair Academy Address

The address of Blair Academy is 2 Park Street, Blairstown, New Jersey 07825, United States.

Blair Academy Website

The Website of Blair Academy is

Blair Academy Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Blair Academy is 908-362-6121 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Blair Academy Service Center and Blair Academy customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Blair Academy customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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