Bombay Scottish School Mahim Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Bombay Scottish School Mahim is 022 2445 3460 .
Bombay Scottish school is a co educational Day school in Mahim. Bombay Scottish school is affiliated to ICSE board. Bombay Scottish School was founded in 1847. It imparts education from from kindergarten Up to class 12. Its campus sits in an area 2 acres and arranged into various buildings such as Heritage Block (formerly Middle Block), North Block, East Block and South Block. The school houses a playground, two basketball Courts and two separate play grounds. The school runs a large Library with the collection of more than 20,000 books. The school has made a distinction in the field of study and extra curricular activities. Many famous people are the alumni of Bombay Scottish school including Aamir Khan, Abhishek Bachchan, Aditya Chopra, Ekta Kapoor, Hrithik Roshan, Imran Khan, John Abraham, Lucky Ali, Ranbir Kapoor, Tusshar Kapoor etc. The address and contact number of Bombay Scottish School Mahim is also used for Bombay Scottish School Mahim admission, Bombay Scottish School Mahim fees structure, Bombay Scottish School Mahim principal name, Bombay Scottish School Mahim alumni, Bombay Scottish School Mahim reviews and Bombay Scottish School Mahim fees.

Bombay Scottish School Mahim Address

The address of Bombay Scottish School Mahim is PN Kotnis Rd, Mahim West, Mahim, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Bombay Scottish School Mahim Website

The Website of Bombay Scottish School Mahim is

Bombay Scottish School Mahim Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Bombay Scottish School Mahim is 022 2445 3460 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Bombay Scottish School Mahim Service Center and Bombay Scottish School Mahim customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Bombay Scottish School Mahim customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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