Braun Abu Dhabi Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Braun Abu Dhabi is +971-2-6454905 .
Braun Abu Dhabi service center is located as The New Store within Al Wahda mall in Abu Dhabi. Braun Abu Dhabi provides sales and repairs services for Braun beauty products and male and female grooming products. The New Store has also one other retail outlet for Braun products located on Beach Road in Dubai.

Braun GmbH (formerly Braun AG) is an international company for shaving and grooming products, health care products, beauty care products and small kitchen appliances. Braun was formerly recognized for the range of radios, slide projectors, super 8 film cameras and accessories and hi-fi sound systems. At present, its complete range of products include electric shavers, razors, coffee makers, coffee grinders, toasters, blenders, juicers, cocks, watches, calculators, thermometers, blood pressure monitors etc.

The history of Braun was started by the effort of Max Braun from Frankfurt am Main, Germany in the year 1921. The company was first unfolded with radio sets and component in Germany. During the 1950s, Braun re-introduced with the marketing of electric shaver. In 1967, Braun Company was acquired by The Gillette Company. Since 1970s, Braun Company is mainly renowned for home consumer appliances across the world. In 1998, Braun became a privately held company. In 2005, the company became flagship company of Procter & Gamble, an American company of consumer goods. The Corresponding services of Braun Abu Dhabi service center are Braun Customer Service Uae and Braun Authorized Service Center Uae.

Braun Abu Dhabi Address

The address of Braun Abu Dhabi is Al Wahda Mall, Floor 3, Hazaa Bin Zayed the First Street, Al Wahdah, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Braun Abu Dhabi Website

The Website of Braun Abu Dhabi is

Braun Abu Dhabi Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Braun Abu Dhabi is +971-2-6454905 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Braun Abu Dhabi Service Center and Braun Abu Dhabi customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Braun Abu Dhabi customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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