British Institute Kolkata Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of British Institute Kolkata is 033-22430046, 033-22485235, 033-22102810 .
The British Institutes was developed from the School of Career, London, with the support of The British Institute of Engineering Technology London. The institute was established in India in 1935. Since its starting, the institute is engaged in learning through home study courses, a way which is recognized by major professional bodies, educationist, etc. Moreover the British Institutes accepted by the many students across the world for their suited career. The Institute serves the requirements of the students of the United States to make them minded and perfectionist. It has obtained ISO 9001:2008 certificate which includes the more values in the methodology of it. The address and contact number of British Institute Kolkata is also used for British Institute Kolkata spoken english, British Institute Kolkata esplanade, British Institute Bidhan Nagar Kolkata and British Institute Gariahat in Kolkata.

Other Contact Information:
Telegram - BRITINST
Fax No: 033-2248-8743

British Institute Kolkata Address

The address of British Institute Kolkata is 13/1A, Government Place East, Kolkata 700069, West Bengal, India.

British Institute Kolkata Email Address

The email address of British Institute Kolkata is

British Institute Kolkata Website

The Website of British Institute Kolkata is

British Institute Kolkata Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of British Institute Kolkata is 033-22430046, 033-22485235, 033-22102810 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of British Institute Kolkata Service Center and British Institute Kolkata customer phone number is given below. The helpline of British Institute Kolkata customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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