Byu Idaho Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Byu Idaho is (208) 496-1411, (208) 496-3004 .
The Brigham Young University, Idaho is a private and non-profit university which is situated in Rexburg, United States. The university was founded in the year of 1888. Cecil O. It provides various courses such as Engineering, Management, Liberal Arts, Agriculture and Performing Arts etc. The university campus is furnished with suburban facilities. It has well qualified staff of 3,234 teachers for more than 34,130 students. The University is affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Its area is spread in about 560 acres. Coming to sports facilities, the university organizes various athletics program, as university has team of football, Women's Volleyball etc. The address and contact number of Byu Idaho is also used for Byu Idaho courses, Byu Idaho programs, Byu Idaho housing, Byu Idaho tuition, Byu Idaho ranking and Byu Idaho application.

Byu Idaho Address

The address of Byu Idaho is 525 South Center Street, Rexburg, ID 83460, United States.

Byu Idaho Email Address

The email address of Byu Idaho is

Byu Idaho Website

The Website of Byu Idaho is

Byu Idaho Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Byu Idaho is (208) 496-1411, (208) 496-3004 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Byu Idaho Service Center and Byu Idaho customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Byu Idaho customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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