Chevrolet Vellore Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Chevrolet Vellore is 0416-2222017 .
In 1928, Chevrolet was came in India as Chevrolet Sales India Private Limited that is involved in the manufacturing of automobiles and parts, is a flagship company of the America based automobile company, Chevrolet. The main company was founded on November 3, 1911 by the joint efforts of Louis Chevrolet and the General Motors's founder William C. Durant in Detroit, USA. In 1918, General Motors Company had acquired Chevrolet, and since then, General Motors is being known as an owner of this company. Chevrolet's original name was Chevrolet Motor Car Company, and later it was came to be known as Chevrolet. In India, the Chevrolet Sales India Private Limited company is known as a division of the General Motors India Private Limited, is a subsidiary of General Motors Company. Chevrolet is spread across the world, and it is controls its worldwide business through its headquarter located in Detroit, Michigan, United States. Besides this headquarters, its other offices are also located in Berlin, Osaka and Seoul. To know more info about its worldwide business, visit on the official website. Sayar Cars is a service center of Chevrolet located in Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India to provide repairs and services for cars and parts.

Chevrolet Vellore Address

The address of Chevrolet Vellore is S.F. NO. 3004, New Bye Pass Road, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India.

Chevrolet Vellore Email Address

The email address of Chevrolet Vellore is

Chevrolet Vellore Website

The Website of Chevrolet Vellore is

Chevrolet Vellore Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Chevrolet Vellore is 0416-2222017 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Chevrolet Vellore Service Center and Chevrolet Vellore customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Chevrolet Vellore customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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