Chinese Embassy in Uk Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Chinese Embassy in Uk is +44 20 7299 4049 .
Chinese Embassy in United Kingdom maintains the relations of China with England and Northern Ireland in a Healthy manner. Cooperation in various sectors between these countries produces profitable results. The embassy also maintains high level exchanges and increase the political trust between two countries. United Kingdom is 2nd largest investor in China and is third largest business partner across all the European countries. The address and contact number of Chinese Embassy in Uk is also used for Chinese Embassy England,Chinese Embassy Britain,Chinese Embassy UK visa fees, Chinese Embassy visa application, Chinese Embassy visa requirements, Chinese Embassy opening hours, Chinese Embassy south Africa and Chinese Embassy Canada.

Chinese Embassy in Uk Address

The address of Chinese Embassy in Uk is 49-51 Portland Place, London, Greater London W1B 1JL, United Kingdom.

Chinese Embassy in Uk Website

The Website of Chinese Embassy in Uk is

Chinese Embassy in Uk Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Chinese Embassy in Uk is +44 20 7299 4049 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Chinese Embassy in Uk Service Center and Chinese Embassy in Uk customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Chinese Embassy in Uk customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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