City of Davenport Iowa Phone Number Customer Service

Davenport is the city in Scott County, Iowa, United States. It is one of the largest cities in Scott country and is located near Mississippi River. The city was commissioned in 1836 by Antoine LeClaire who named it for George Davenport, his friend and colonel. It is ranked among one of the fastest developing cities in the nation. It is the home of many notable persons such as Bix Beiderbecke, Isabel Bloom, Roger Craig, Michael Nunn, Stuart Margolin, Lara Flynn Boyle, Sue Lyon to name a few. The address and contact number of City of Davenport Iowa is also used for City Of Davenport Iowa Building Inspector, City Of Davenport Iowa Jobs, City Of Davenport Iowa Zoning Map, City Of Davenport Iowa Property Taxes, City Of Davenport Iowa Ordinances, City Of Davenport Iowa Assessor, City Of Davenport Iowa Salaries, City Of Davenport Iowa Building Codes.

City of Davenport Iowa Address

The address of City of Davenport Iowa is Scott County, Iowa, United States.

City of Davenport Iowa Website

The Website of City of Davenport Iowa is

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of City of Davenport Iowa Service Center and City of Davenport Iowa customer phone number is given below. The helpline of City of Davenport Iowa customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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