Clarks Shoes Head Office Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Clarks Shoes Head Office is 08444-777744 .
C and J Clark International Limited is headquartered at 40 High Street, Somerset, United Kingdom. It is a British, worldwide shoe manufacturer and retailer company. Clark International Limited was started in the year 1825 as a business making sheepskin rugs and slippers by Cyrus Clark and James Clark. 81% owner of the company is Clark family, with the staying 19% organised by workers and relevant organizations. The Clark shoe company has more than 1000 stores in 160 countries across the world. Clark international limited has manufactured a wide range of famous designs during its history like the Clarks Wallabee, the Clarks Desert Boot, the Clarks Playdeck sandal etc. It is famously known for their variety of children's shoes and advertisement campaigns. The address and contact number of Clarks Shoes Head Office is also used for Clarks Shoes Shop Review, Clarks Shoes High, Clarks Shoes Customer Service, Clarks Vacancies and Clarks Shoes Good.

Clarks Shoes Head Office Address

The address of Clarks Shoes Head Office is 40 High Street, Somerset, BA16 0EQ, United Kingdom.

Clarks Shoes Head Office Email Address

The email address of Clarks Shoes Head Office is

Clarks Shoes Head Office Website

The Website of Clarks Shoes Head Office is

Clarks Shoes Head Office Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Clarks Shoes Head Office is 08444-777744 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Clarks Shoes Head Office Service Center and Clarks Shoes Head Office customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Clarks Shoes Head Office customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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