Clifton Campus Nottingham Trent University Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Clifton Campus Nottingham Trent University is +44-115-941-8418 .
The Nottingham Trent University is shaping academic Future of the students by providing them to choose multiple options for their career. It is a public research university and granted status as Best place to Study. The university is accredited to the University Alliance, the Association of Commonwealth Universities and the European University Association. This university is spread in a vast area and has three campuses namely the City Site, the Brackenhurst campus and the Clifton campus. The university has almost thirty thousand students in the fields like management, law, social sciences, architecture, information technology, medical science etc. The university is also providing some vocational and short term courses for students and business people. The chancellor of the university is Sir Michael Parkinson. The Clifton Campus is situated in the 32 hectares area and provides beautiful scenic environment and high profile features to the students. This campus is closest to the nature. There are over seven thousand students are studying from this campus. The courses are same in all three campuses. The address and contact number of Clifton Campus Nottingham Trent University is also used for Nottingham Trent Review, Nottingham Trent University Nightlife, Nottingham Trent University Clifton Campus and Nottingham Trent Clifton Campus Accommodation.

Clifton Campus Nottingham Trent University Address

The address of Clifton Campus Nottingham Trent University is Clifton Lane, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG118NS, England, United Kingdom.

Clifton Campus Nottingham Trent University Website

The Website of Clifton Campus Nottingham Trent University is

Clifton Campus Nottingham Trent University Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Clifton Campus Nottingham Trent University is +44-115-941-8418 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Clifton Campus Nottingham Trent University Service Center and Clifton Campus Nottingham Trent University customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Clifton Campus Nottingham Trent University customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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