Clifton Fullerton Dorm Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Clifton Fullerton Dorm is +1 312-362-8000 .
Clifton-Fullerton Dorm is a residence hall for the students of Depaul University situated at 2350 North Clifton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, United States. It was built in the year 2000. There are so many facilities available at Clifton-Fullerton Dorm including single and double occupancy semi-suite rooms, study rooms, kitchenettes, lounges, a large TV lounge, laundry room etc. DePaul University is a private institution that was formed in 1898. The university offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Law, Liberal Arts & Social Sciences, Music, Business etc. DePaul University has two campuses namely- Lincoln Park Campus and Loop Campus. The university operates eight colleges. Dennis H. Holtschneider is the president of the university. Main campus of the university is located at 1 E Jackson Blvd Chicago, Illinois, United States. The address and contact number of Clifton Fullerton Dorm is also used for Depaul university hall address, corcoran hall Depaul, Depaul buildings,mccabe hall Depaul and Depaul University centennial hall.

Clifton Fullerton Dorm Address

The address of Clifton Fullerton Dorm is 2350 North Clifton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60614, United States.

Clifton Fullerton Dorm Email Address

The email address of Clifton Fullerton Dorm is

Clifton Fullerton Dorm Website

The Website of Clifton Fullerton Dorm is

Clifton Fullerton Dorm Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Clifton Fullerton Dorm is +1 312-362-8000 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Clifton Fullerton Dorm Service Center and Clifton Fullerton Dorm customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Clifton Fullerton Dorm customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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