Dainik Jagran Kanpur Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Dainik Jagran Kanpur is +91 (0512) 2216161 .
Dainik Jagran is a Daily broadsheet Hindi newspaper. It’s owner is Jagran Prakashan Limited. The paper was started in the year 1942 by Shri Puranchandra Gupta and Shri Gurudev Gupta in Jhansi. But the current headquarter Office of Dainik Jagran is in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. Currently Dainik Bhaskar has 36 editions athwart eleven states in India. It is ranked as the No.1 Daily newspaper in India for 23 times.
Its Kanpur office address (which is also its headquarters) is :
2, Sarvodaya Nagar, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208005.

Dainik Jagran also as following educational institutes in Kanpur:

1. JIDA (Jagran Institute of Digital Animation
2. JIMMC (Jagran Institute of Management and Mass Communication
3. Jagran Public Schools
4. Jim (Jagran Institute of Management.

Dainik Jagran Kanpur Address

The address of Dainik Jagran Kanpur is Jagran Building 2, Sarvoday Nagar, Kanpur - 208005 India.

Dainik Jagran Kanpur Email Address

The email address of Dainik Jagran Kanpur is nsekar@bgl.jagran.com.

Dainik Jagran Kanpur Website

The Website of Dainik Jagran Kanpur is www.jagran.com.

Dainik Jagran Kanpur Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Dainik Jagran Kanpur is +91 (0512) 2216161 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Dainik Jagran Kanpur Service Center and Dainik Jagran Kanpur customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Dainik Jagran Kanpur customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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