Delta Dental Michigan Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Delta Dental Michigan is +1-(800)-524-0149 .
Delta Dental is the largest dental plan system in the USA. There are total of 39 autonomous Delta Dental member companies in all the states of USA. They are the members of Delta Dental Plans Association, a system running around the entire nation of autonomously functioning dental health service plans. They offer medical coverage to 59.5 million people.
Delta Dental Michigan is an ISO 9001 certified company. It has it’s headquarter office in Okemos, Michigan and a second office in Farmington hills. It has its affiliates in Tennessee, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, North Carolina and New Mexico. A.M.Best Co. has given Delta Dental of Michigan a financial rating of A-(i.e. Excellent).
Michigan has the largest dental Networks of Delta Dental. Overall there are more than 50,000 dentists. There are more than 93% of licensed dentists in Michigan participating in their network.
They provide an comprehensive tool kit to stay updated on the dental benefits of Delta Dental. It gives a 24 hour access to vital information about all the dental benefits that include eligibility information of the enrollees and the dependents both, detailed claims information, information till date on what amount of benefits has been used in current year. They provide an online directory of all the dentists participating in the programme so that one can choose a dentist nearest to one’s location.
Benefits Plan of Delta Dental Michigan.
• Individual Plans: they provide people with good dental benefits at an affordable rate.
• Delta Dental Premier: It’s a money saving option by choosing a Delta Dental Premier Dentist. These dentists offer covered services at a pre determined rate by Delta Dental.
• Delta Dental Patient Direct: It is a discount program. An low-cost and effortless manner to save money on health care products and services
• Delta Dental PPO (Standard): it is the most preffered program/. Ome can save costs by opting the Delta Dental Dentist.
• Delta Dental PPO (Point of Service: This plan offers access to the enrollees to two of the countruy’s largest network i.e. PPO network and Delta Dental Premier Network.
• Small Group Plans: Fabricated for small group of upto 49 enrollees.
• Delta Dental EPO - EPO is Exclusive Provider Organization. The enrollees can receive quality treatment from EPO dentists.
• Voluntary Enrollment Programs: The program provides each group member quality service at an affordable costs.

Through Axa Assistance all the Delta Dental enrollees can receive oral care all over the world. This facility is named as Passport Dental. The dentists are referred by AXA Assistance (who are not the participants of Delta Dental). The fees of the treatment received are reimbursed by Delta Dental with submission of a proper and genuine receipt.

Delta Dental Michigan Address

The address of Delta Dental Michigan is 4100 Okemos Road, Okemos, Michigan 48864, United States.

Delta Dental Michigan Website

The Website of Delta Dental Michigan is

Delta Dental Michigan Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Delta Dental Michigan is +1-(800)-524-0149 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Delta Dental Michigan Service Center and Delta Dental Michigan customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Delta Dental Michigan customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Delta Dental Michigan. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Delta Dental Michigan will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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