Delta Park Portland Oregon Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Delta Park Portland Oregon is 503-823-7529,Fax: 503-823-6007 .
Parks have always served to be the places for amusement and recreation to all people of the society. The city of Portland, Oregon in USA has got many recreation parks. The parks at Portland have given the city a touch of beauty and life. With a mission to provide safe places to their people, these parks are created with a view to provide mental, social and physical activities to people. The pristine aura surrounding the park offers mental Peace and relaxation to its visitors. The creation of Delta Park in Portland Oregon has a historical support. This park is created on the land of Vanport city, when it was destroyed by heavy floods in 1948. However there was a controversy created for building a large dome shaped stadium in the park. This stadium was supposed to be largest in its kind with a capacity of 60,000. But the plans were not approved and today many outdoor activities are carried out on this park. The Delta Park is an interstate between the south and north of the Columbia River. This interstate has been divided into two parts: East Delta Park and West Delta Park. The East Delta Park has a large complex known as the Owens Sports Complex that consists of softball and soccer fields. It also consists of the dog off-leash area and a volleyball court. The West Land has a runway for bicycle and motorcycle riding. Just adjacent to the runway is the Heron golf course. The Force Lake at the north of the golf course attracts various species of birds. Across the Delta Park various sign boards indicate the wildlife of the place.

Delta Park Portland Oregon Address

The address of Delta Park Portland Oregon is 1120, SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1302, Portland, OR 97204.

Delta Park Portland Oregon Website

The Website of Delta Park Portland Oregon is

Delta Park Portland Oregon Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Delta Park Portland Oregon is 503-823-7529,Fax: 503-823-6007 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Delta Park Portland Oregon Service Center and Delta Park Portland Oregon customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Delta Park Portland Oregon customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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