Dps Sharjah Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Dps Sharjah is +971-6-5345352, +971-6-5348884 Fax No: +971 - 6 - 5345858 .
DPS, Sharjah is acronym of Delhi Private School, Sharjah. The school is affiliated to CBSE, Delhi. It is the first satellite branch of DPS, situated in Sharjah, UAE. Mr. Pravin J. Batavia is the current Chairman of Delhi Private School, Sharjah, UAE. The school offers education from KG 1st to up to garde XII. Apart from education, the schools gives emphasis on sports activities of the students as the school is comprises swimming Pools, multi-purpose auditorium, table tennis, cricket Ground, Acrylic Basketball Ground, Volley Ball Court etc.

Dps Sharjah Address

The address of Dps Sharjah is PO Box - 26005, Sharjah, UAE.

Dps Sharjah Email Address

The email address of Dps Sharjah is dpsshj@emirates.net.ae, primarywing@dpssharjah.com.

Dps Sharjah Website

The Website of Dps Sharjah is www.dpssharjah.com.

Dps Sharjah Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Dps Sharjah is +971-6-5345352, +971-6-5348884 Fax No: +971 - 6 - 5345858 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Dps Sharjah Service Center and Dps Sharjah customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Dps Sharjah customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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