Durham Constabulary Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Durham Constabulary is +44 345 606 0365 .
Durham Constabulary is a type of a force which is securing the people of Darlington and Durham county. It is the government agency which was formed in 1839. The department has 162 police community support Officers. Mike Barton is the Chief Constable of Durham Constabulary. It mainly responsible for Protecting Neighborhoods, Tackling Criminals and Solving Problems. More than 2,910 are working here. It has been one of the first county police. It has two command units which serves North Area and South Area. The address and contact number of Durham Constabulary is also used for Durham Constabulary Deer, Durham Constabulary Firearms, Durham Constabulary Latest News, Durham Constabulary Brass Band, Durham Constabulary Specials, Durham Constabulary Narpo, Durham Constabulary Facebook and Durham Constabulary Jobs.

Durham Constabulary Address

The address of Durham Constabulary is Aykley Heads, Durham, DH1 5TT, United Kingdom.

Durham Constabulary Website

The Website of Durham Constabulary is www.durham.police.uk.

Durham Constabulary Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Durham Constabulary is +44 345 606 0365 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Durham Constabulary Service Center and Durham Constabulary customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Durham Constabulary customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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