Fort Knox Army Base Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Fort Knox Army Base is +1 502-624-1181 .
Fort Knox is the House of Installed Warfare, has supported as a US army set up since 1918. Throughout this period it has performed a important role in the growth of army techniques, doctrine, and has conducted an important part of the coaching for the active Military and Military Source. Each knight in the armour force has supported here at minimum once throughout his term of services, no matter if in the permanent garrison or in the preliminary entry coaching, in one of the noncommissioned official programs or in one of the armour official coaching programs. It also serves almost 400,000 guests yearly at the display of the armour force and Fort Knox record. The address and contact number of Fort Knox Army Basee is also used for Fort Knox army base housing, Fort Knox Army base phone number, Fort Knox armor school, Fort Knox army base address, Fort Knox visit, map of Fort Knox Military Base and Fort Knox welcome center address.

Fort Knox Army Base Address

The address of Fort Knox Army Base is 127 6TH Avenue STE 202, Fort Knox, Kentucky 40121, United States.

Fort Knox Army Base Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Fort Knox Army Base is +1 502-624-1181 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Fort Knox Army Base Service Center and Fort Knox Army Base customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Fort Knox Army Base customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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