Fujifilm Malaysia Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Fujifilm Malaysia is 603 -5569 8388 .
Fuji-film Holdings Corporation is a more focused producing company with worldwide leadership positions in fields of photographic and imaging components etc. It was emerged in the year 1934 and all operations are controlled by the corporate office situated in Tokyo, Japan. The company manufactures and sales various products such as cameras, color paper, printers, lenses, scanners, optical equipments etc under the brand name of Fuji-film. The company's service partners are spread in an all over the locations of the world, and one of them is situated in Selangor, Malaysia. The Corresponding services of Fujifilm Malaysia service center are Fujifilm Malaysia warranty, Fujifilm Malaysia contact, Fujifilm Malaysia instax and Fujifilm Malaysia outlets.

Fujifilm Malaysia Address

The address of Fujifilm Malaysia is 22, JalanJurunilai U1/20, Seksyen U1, Hicom-Glenmarie Industrial Park, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.

Fujifilm Malaysia Email Address

The email address of Fujifilm Malaysia is camera.service@fujifilm.com.

Fujifilm Malaysia Website

The Website of Fujifilm Malaysia is www.fujifilm.com.

Fujifilm Malaysia Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Fujifilm Malaysia is 603 -5569 8388 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Fujifilm Malaysia Service Center and Fujifilm Malaysia customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Fujifilm Malaysia customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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