Ge Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Ge is +1-203-373-2211 .
GE is also known as General Electric, is connected with various industrial and non-industrial sectors for more than 121 years. Ge Company belongs to America where its main office is located in Fairfield, Connecticut, United States and from there it is spread across the overseas markets. GE has various subsidiaries including GE Aviation, GE Capital, Ge Energy Management, GE Healthcare, GE Home and Business Solutions, GE Oil and Gas, GE Power and Water and GE Transportation, and these all companies are committed for separate fields.

General Electric is a multinational corporation that was established in 1892 in Schenectady, New York, United States by Thomas Edison, Charles Coffin, Elihu Thomson and Edwin Houston. It is a public corporation that mainly offers the services of Appliances, Locomotives, Aviation, Consumer electronics, Oil, Software, Energy, Lighting, Electrical distribution, Electric motors, Finance, Gas, Healthcare, Weapons, Wind turbines etc.

A survey was conducted in 2011 which states that General Electric Corporation has achieved 26th rank in terms of gross revenue in United States according to the Forbes Global 500 magazine. As of 2013, the corporation has total revenue US$ 146.045 billion. General Electric Corporation purchased the assets of Enron Wind Corporation in 2002. The Corporation serves its services across all over the world and controls many divisions such as Energy [2013 inactive], Technology Infrastructure, Capital Finance as well as Consumer and Industrial.

The Corresponding services of Ge service center are Ge service portal, Ge service manuals, Ge service coupon and Ge service contract.

Ge Address

The address of Ge is 3135, Easton Turnpike, Fairfield, CT 06828, USA.

Ge Website

The Website of Ge is

Ge Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ge is +1-203-373-2211 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ge Service Center and Ge customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Ge customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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