George Fox University Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of George Fox University is 503-538-8383 .
George Fox is nationwide identified Christian university, offering students with individual focus, worldwide possibilities to understand and function, and a supporting group that motivates educational rigor and religious development. The college provides bachelor’s degrees in over 40 majors, 5 seminary degrees and many other degrees along with the master's degree. The college is approved by the North west Commission on Colleges and Universities. It continually gets third party identification from publications like Forbes and United States News and World Report, which yearly rate it between the country's top Christian colleges. In maintaining with its objective of Christian education, all workers, teachers, management and staff are dedicated Christians. The address and contact number of George Fox University is also used for George Fox University map, George Fox University ranking, George Fox University athletics, George Fox University tuition, George Fox University nursing, George Fox University football, George Fox University calendar and George Fox University Physical therapy.
Other Important Contact Details:
Phone No: 503-554-2240, 800-765-4369, ext. 2240
Fax No: 503-554-3110

George Fox University Address

The address of George Fox University is 414 North Meridian Street 6089, Newberg, Oregon 97132 United States.

George Fox University Email Address

The email address of George Fox University is

George Fox University Website

The Website of George Fox University is

George Fox University Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of George Fox University is 503-538-8383 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of George Fox University Service Center and George Fox University customer phone number is given below. The helpline of George Fox University customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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