Glensheen Mansion Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Glensheen Mansion is +1 218-726-8910, Fax : +1 (218) 726-8911 .
Glensheen Mansion is a famous mansion on Lake Superior owned by the University of Minnesota Duluth. It is a large mansion that is having a capacity of 38 rooms and was built according to the Jacobean architectural tradition. It was built back in the year 1905 designed by Clarence H. Johnston, Sr., Charles W. Leavitt, Jr. and built over an area of 7.6 acres. It was built as the family home of Chester Adgate Congdon. The estate was added to the National Register of Historic Places in the year 1991. The mansion was also the place of murders of Elisabeth Congdon and her nurse, Velma Pietila. The address and contact number of Glensheen Mansion is also used for Glensheen Mansion Haunted, Glensheen Mansion Photos, Glensheen Mansion Wedding Cost, Glensheen Mansion Wedding, Glensheen Mansion Fire and Glensheen Mansion Facts.

Glensheen Mansion Address

The address of Glensheen Mansion is 3300 London Road, Duluth, Minnesota 55804, United States.

Glensheen Mansion Email Address

The email address of Glensheen Mansion is

Glensheen Mansion Website

The Website of Glensheen Mansion is

Glensheen Mansion Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Glensheen Mansion is +1 218-726-8910, Fax : +1 (218) 726-8911 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Glensheen Mansion Service Center and Glensheen Mansion customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Glensheen Mansion customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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