Golden Temple Vellore Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Golden Temple Vellore is 0416 220 6500 .
The Golden Temple of Sripuram is a religious park located at the foot of a small Green Hills in a location called Malaikodi in Vellore in Tamil Nadu. It is at the south corner of city at Tirumalaikodi. The significant feature of Sripuram is the Lakshmi Narayani temple or Mahalakshmi Temple whose 'Vimanam’ and ‘Ardha Mandapam’ have been covered with gold both Interior and exterior. It is stiuated in 100 acres of area and has been constructed by Vellore-centered Sri Narayani Peedam, headed by religious leader Sri Sakthi Amma also called Narayani Amma. Each single thing was personally designed, including converting the gold sections into gold foils. The address and contact number of Golden Temple Vellore is also used for Golden Temple Vellore Distance From Bangalore, Golden Temple Vellore Timings, Golden Temple Vellore Timings Of Darshan, Golden Temple Vellore Entrance Fees and Golden Temple Vellore History.

Golden Temple Vellore Address

The address of Golden Temple Vellore is Sri Puram Sri Narayani Peetam, Thirumalai Kodi, Vellore Tamil Nadu 632055.

Golden Temple Vellore Website

The Website of Golden Temple Vellore is

Golden Temple Vellore Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Golden Temple Vellore is 0416 220 6500 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Golden Temple Vellore Service Center and Golden Temple Vellore customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Golden Temple Vellore customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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