Great Meadow Correctional Facility Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Great Meadow Correctional Facility is (518) 639-5516 .
The Great Meadow Facility is supreme jail of Comstock provides high quality standards of security. This site was constructed during 1911. It has been using for the adult males by providing them opportunities for rectification in their lives and justify there careers by delivering plenty of tasks to them. This jail is been expanded in 1000 acres land and it is working under the legislation of the American government. There are various councilors are working there for the counseling of the criminals under sex offenders, drug users, and mentally handicapped charges. There are quality based vocational programs for the professional growth of the personals of this prison has been done here. Several education programs are also organized here by the government of America for the development of the youngsters. The Us Department of the care, confinement, and rehabilitation namely the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision is prior management authority of this Jail. The address and contact number of Great Meadow Correctional Facility is also used for Great Meadow Correctional Facility Inmate Lookup, Great Meadow Correctional Facility Visiting Hours, Great Meadow Correctional Facility Jobs, Great Meadow Correctional Facility Stabbing and Great Meadow Correctional Facility Superintendent.

Great Meadow Correctional Facility Address

The address of Great Meadow Correctional Facility is 11739 State Route-22, Post Box-51 Comstock, New York-12821, United States.

Great Meadow Correctional Facility Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Great Meadow Correctional Facility is (518) 639-5516 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Great Meadow Correctional Facility Service Center and Great Meadow Correctional Facility customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Great Meadow Correctional Facility customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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