Greater Manchester Police Headquarters Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Greater Manchester Police Headquarters is 0161 872 5050 .
Greater Manchester Police is a government agency which is accountable for law and order. It is situated in Chester House, Boyer Street, Manchester, United Kingdom. Greater Manchester Police is also known as GMP. The agency was established on April 1, 1974. It is spread over an area of 492 square miles. Peter Fahy is the chief constable and Garry Shewan is the assistant chief constable of the agency. It has 12 divisions and 62 Stations. The motto of the agency is 'Fighting Crime, Protecting People'. Greater Manchester Police has 11,045 employees. The agency provides various facilities like Airbases, Helicopters, Panda cars, Patrol vehicles, Pursuit vehicles and Planes. The address and contact number of Greater Manchester Police Headquarters is also used for Greater Manchester Police Headquarters Newton Heath, Manchester Police Authority, Community Police Manchester, Manchester Crime News and Greater Manchester Constabulary.

Fax Number:- 0161 877 5490.

Greater Manchester Police Headquarters Address

The address of Greater Manchester Police Headquarters is PO Box 22, 8th Floor, Chester House, Boyer Street, Manchester M16 0RE, United Kingdom.

Greater Manchester Police Headquarters Website

The Website of Greater Manchester Police Headquarters is

Greater Manchester Police Headquarters Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Greater Manchester Police Headquarters is 0161 872 5050 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Greater Manchester Police Headquarters Service Center and Greater Manchester Police Headquarters customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Greater Manchester Police Headquarters customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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