Harriet Island Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Harriet Island is +1-(651) 292-7010 .
The Harriet Island is a regional park in the Saint Paul town of Minnesota. Now, the island is famous as Clarence W. Wigington Pavilion. The Harriet Island offers varied types of entertainment services like fun shows and rides to the visitors. The island is the island has Everything for all group of ages of people, who visit the park. It was formed in the year 1941 by Clarence W. Wigington. It was mainly a communal bath centre and sea-coast, along with facilities including handball courts, Playgrounds, bandstand, tennis courts and a picnic grounds. The address and contact number of Harriet Island is also used for Harriet Island Events, Harriet Island Boat Tours, Harriet Island Flooding, Harriet Island Inn, Harriet Island Bandshell, Harriet Island Brewing, Harriet Island Concerts and Harriet Island Pavillion Wedding.

Harriet Island Address

The address of Harriet Island is 200 Doctor Justus Ohage Boulevard, Saint Paul, MN 55107, United States..

Harriet Island Website

The Website of Harriet Island is www.stpaul.gov.

Harriet Island Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Harriet Island is +1-(651) 292-7010 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Harriet Island Service Center and Harriet Island customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Harriet Island customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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