High Park Toronto Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of High Park Toronto is +1 416-338-0338 .
The High Park is one of the premier destination in the Ontario state of the Canada and spread in four hundred acres area. The facilities of this park are sporting facilities, cultural facilities, educational facilities, gardens, playgrounds and a zoo. This park is surrounded by the Oak trees and opened for general public in 1876. There is 35 hectares pond is also based in this park. The greenery and climate of this park is natural and fresh. There are many small and medium scale parks also available in this park. It is an urban park which prevents plenty of species of animals and birds. Many of pedestrian paths and play grounds are also available for the public. The address and contact number of High Park Toronto is also used for High Park Toronto Restaurants, High Park Toronto Playground, High Park Neighbourhood Toronto, High Park Toronto Real Estate, High Park Toronto Apartments and High Park Toronto Fire.

High Park Toronto Address

The address of High Park Toronto is High Park, 1873, Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON-M6R2Z3, Ontario, Canada.

High Park Toronto Website

The Website of High Park Toronto is www.highparktoronto.com.

High Park Toronto Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of High Park Toronto is +1 416-338-0338 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of High Park Toronto Service Center and High Park Toronto customer phone number is given below. The helpline of High Park Toronto customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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