Hitachi Kuwait Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Hitachi Kuwait is +965-2-4833521, 2-484-6075 .
Hitachi Limited, the Japan based agglomerate company of engineering and electronics founded in the year of 1910 with its command office located in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan. The Company's headquarter controls its all flagship companies and branches located across the world. The company's founder Namihei Odaira had graduated from the Imperial University of Tokyo in 1900 in electrical engineering. The Hitachi Company is mainly involved in approximately eleven activities, and the following activates are: Construction, Electronic Component Devices, Automotive Systems, Social and Industrial Systems, Electrical Systems, Financial services, Information and Telecommunication Systems. Hitachi has one of its service center located on below written address. The Corresponding services of Hitachi Kuwait service center are Hitachi elevators Kuwait and Hitachi Refrigerator Kuwait. Fax No: +965-2-4831586.

Hitachi Kuwait Address

The address of Hitachi Kuwait is Shuwaikh Industrial Area, 9A, Street No. 78, Plot No. 80, PO BOX No. 1371, Kuwait.

Hitachi Kuwait Website

The Website of Hitachi Kuwait is

Hitachi Kuwait Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Hitachi Kuwait is +965-2-4833521, 2-484-6075 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Hitachi Kuwait Service Center and Hitachi Kuwait customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Hitachi Kuwait customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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