Holy Angels Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Holy Angels is 0251-2821975 / 2821234 .
Holy Angels is a privately owned educational institution based in Dombivli area of India. They provide great in campus environment for the students to enjoy their educational adventure. The school is featured with talented and dedicated staff who work for the motto of the school. The students of the institution have topped in first classes in our S.S.C Examinations.
Intrested Areas: ISO certified institution, CBSE board, CBSE affiliated school, school and Jr. College, holyangels.ac.in, play way method of teaching, qualified teachers, big play ground, 100 results for the last eight years, SSC and HSC, independent cafeteria, spacious sports field, friendly academic environments, Holy Angels School Jr. College unique ideal study centre, sound and progressive Management, Trinity Educational Trust, Dombivli, with its ever increasing population, is in great need of good educational institutions with the right environment and facilities necessary for the development of the students

Holy Angels Address

The address of Holy Angels is Behind P & T Colony, Nandivli, Gandhi Nagar, Manpada P.O, Dombivli (E) 421204 India..

Holy Angels Email Address

The email address of Holy Angels is info@holyangels.ac.in.

Holy Angels Website

The Website of Holy Angels is http://www.holyangels.ac.in.

Holy Angels Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Holy Angels is 0251-2821975 / 2821234 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Holy Angels Service Center and Holy Angels customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Holy Angels customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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