Hotel Taj Mansingh Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Hotel Taj Mansingh is (91-11) 2611 0202 .
Taj is most discerning tourists looking for genuine encounters provided that high-class is a means of Life to which they are acquainted. Comprising well-known attractions, current Enterprise hotels, pleasant beach hotels, genuine Rajput palaces and traditional Safari resorts, each hotel reinterprets the history of hospitality in a refreshingly current method to develop exclusive activities and long term thoughts. The address and contact number of Hotel Taj Mansingh is also used for taj Central reservation, Taj Mansingh hotel khan market, Taj Mansingh hotel wiki and Taj Mahal hotel.

Fax No: (91-11) 2611 6309, (91-11) 2611 0808
Other Important Information:
Taj Reservations Worldwide (Toll-free)
India: 1 800 111 825 (MTNL/BSNL users only), +91 22 6601 1825 (for others)
USA and Canada: 1 866 969 1 825
Bahrain: 080004866
Brazil: 08000381422
Egypt: 08000000485
United Arab Emirates (UAE): 800 035 702 467
Other countries: 00 800 4 588 1 825

Hotel Taj Mansingh Address

The address of Hotel Taj Mansingh is Taj Palace Hotel, Sardar Patel Marg, Diplomatic Enclave, New Delhi 110 021 India.

Hotel Taj Mansingh Email Address

The email address of Hotel Taj Mansingh is

Hotel Taj Mansingh Website

The Website of Hotel Taj Mansingh is

Hotel Taj Mansingh Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Hotel Taj Mansingh is (91-11) 2611 0202 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Hotel Taj Mansingh Service Center and Hotel Taj Mansingh customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Hotel Taj Mansingh customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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