Huawei Chandigarh Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Huawei Chandigarh is +91-172-5018525, +91-9872612525 .
Huawei Technologies Company Ltd is a telecoms infrastructure and solutions providing company, which was founded in China in 1987. The company provides infrastructure devices and software under wireless, wireline and IP technologies. Huawei Technologies with its subsidiary, Huawei Devices is committed to offer a range of wireless handheld devices including mobile phones, smartphones and tablets, and networking equipment including mobile broadband, convergence terminals, fixed network CPE, fixed wireless terminals, USB modems and data cards. Beside China, the company has established its network in other 170 countries across the world. Huawei Devices has built its Research and development (R&D) centers in several nations like India, the United States, Russia, Sweden, Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen. At present, Huawei serves its telecoms services to approximately 50 world's top operations. Huawei Technologies commenced its business in India in 1998. Huawei India is headquartered in Gurgaon, Haryana. AKS TELECOM is a Huawei Authorized service center in Chandigarh, UT.

Huawei Chandigarh Address

The address of Huawei Chandigarh is SCO No. 1092, SEC 22/B, 1st Floor, Cabin No-10, 11, Near TATA Croma, Chandigarh, UT, India.

Huawei Chandigarh Email Address

The email address of Huawei Chandigarh is

Huawei Chandigarh Website

The Website of Huawei Chandigarh is

Huawei Chandigarh Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Huawei Chandigarh is +91-172-5018525, +91-9872612525 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Huawei Chandigarh Service Center and Huawei Chandigarh customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Huawei Chandigarh customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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