Ibm Rourkela Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Ibm Rourkela is +91-661-2500386, +91-9437942882 .
IBM is a brand name and shortened name of International Business Machines Corporation. The corporation does work in several fields such as Computer hardware, Computer software, IT services and IT consulting, and belongs to American region. IBM's global business is located with command office in Endicott, New York for approx last 102 years. IBM’s network is spread with flagship companies, franchises, stores, distributors and service centers across the world. In India, Ibm does its work as IBM India Private Limited, and is stationed since 1992. Fusion Technologies is a maintenance center of IBM placed with well trained and experienced engineers in Rourkela.

Ibm Rourkela Address

The address of Ibm Rourkela is 1st Floor, Prajapati Bhawan, Opposite Mangal Bhawan, Main Road, Rourkela-769001, Orissa, India.

Ibm Rourkela Website

The Website of Ibm Rourkela is

Ibm Rourkela Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ibm Rourkela is +91-661-2500386, +91-9437942882 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ibm Rourkela Service Center and Ibm Rourkela customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Ibm Rourkela customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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