Iit Bangalore Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Iit Bangalore is 080-4140-7777 .
The International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore is a private institute situated in Electronics City, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. It was established in the year 1999. This institute is also known as IIIT-B. Mr. S Gopalakrishnan is the current Chairman and Prof. S. Sadagopan is the Director of the institute. The Motto of the institute is 'Knowledge is Supreme'. In August 2005, PhD courses was started. The University offers degree courses such as PhD , Master of Technology (M.Tech.), Master of Science (Research) and Integrated M.Tech. M.tech students can Select any stream such as Computer Science, Database and Information Systems, Embedded systems, IT and Society, Networking and Communication, Software Engineering. The address and contact number of Iit Bangalore is also used for Iit Bangalore MBA, Iit Bangalore Phd, gate Iit Bangalore, Iit Bangalore m.tech programme, Iit Bangalore m.tech admissions, Iit Bangalore address, Iit Bangalore distance education and Iit Bangalore campus.

Iit Bangalore Address

The address of Iit Bangalore is 26/C, Hosur Road, Electronics City, Bangalore, Karnataka 560100, India.

Iit Bangalore Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Iit Bangalore is 080-4140-7777 (Click phone number to call).

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