Indo Tibetan Border Police Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Indo Tibetan Border Police is +91 11 24369945,Fax No: +91 11 24360427 .
Indo Tibetan Border Police was conceived on October 24, 1962. It is an Indian and multi-dimensional force initially raised under the Crpf Act. ITBP is basically a mountain trained force and Late Sardar Balbir Singh was the first Director General of ITBP. Most of the ITBP officer’s and men are professionally trained skiers and mountaineers. ITBP plays a role in disaster management and nuclear, biological and chemical disasters. The ITBP keeps regular vigil on Northern borders and check illegal immigration. They play an important role to maintain Peace in country.

Indo Tibetan Border Police Address

The address of Indo Tibetan Border Police is Block No-2,C.GO. Complex ,Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003.

Indo Tibetan Border Police Email Address

The email address of Indo Tibetan Border Police is

Indo Tibetan Border Police Website

The Website of Indo Tibetan Border Police is

Indo Tibetan Border Police Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Indo Tibetan Border Police is +91 11 24369945,Fax No: +91 11 24360427 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Indo Tibetan Border Police Service Center and Indo Tibetan Border Police customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Indo Tibetan Border Police customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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