Insead Fontainebleau Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Insead Fontainebleau is +33 1 60724000 .
INSEAD Fontainebleau is the Europe campus of the INSEAD, a most prestigious graduate business school. The Institute combines the culture, people and concepts to modify the life of students and to move the organizations in the direction of success. A worldwide objective and cultural variety is shown in all parts of research and teaching. Insead has established campuses in Europe, Asia and North West. So it has learning operations in these three continents. The institute has about 145 faculty members, who belongs to thirty five nations and provides education more than thousand students every year. Over nine thousand students take part in its Executive Education programmes every year. The institute is the founding member of Sorbonne University, opened in 2012. The address and contact number of Insead Fontainebleau is also used for Insead Fontainebleau campus map, Insead Fontainebleau housing and Insead Fontainebleau vs Singapore.

Fax No: +33 1 60 74 55 00

Insead Fontainebleau Address

The address of Insead Fontainebleau is Boulevard de Constance, 77305 Fontainebleau, France.

Insead Fontainebleau Website

The Website of Insead Fontainebleau is

Insead Fontainebleau Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Insead Fontainebleau is +33 1 60724000 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Insead Fontainebleau Service Center and Insead Fontainebleau customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Insead Fontainebleau customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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