Iphone Telkomsel Medan Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Iphone Telkomsel Medan is +62-61-4550811 .
Telkomsel is a telecommunication company which began its operation from Jakarta in the year of 1995. The company is known as GSM and UMTS Mobile phone network service provider in Indonesia, and Along with Indonesia, the company is also providing its services with the help of 323 international roaming partners in all over the world. The company is also engaged in providing Value added services(VAS)like SMS, MMS, multi-party call, call forwarding, call waiting, social networking and much more for the millions of customers across the globe. In the end of 1997, Telkomsel became the Asia's first cellular telecommunications operator to introduce rechargeable GSM pre-paid services, and In 2006, it became the Indonesia's first operator with the launching of 3G services. For more details about company, log on the official website of the company. Telkomsel has one of its service center situated in Medan, Indonesia. Fax No: +62-61-4149811.

Iphone Telkomsel Medan Address

The address of Iphone Telkomsel Medan is Gedung Selecta, Lt.1, Jl. Listrik, No. 2, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia.

Iphone Telkomsel Medan Website

The Website of Iphone Telkomsel Medan is www.telkomsel.com.

Iphone Telkomsel Medan Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Iphone Telkomsel Medan is +62-61-4550811 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Iphone Telkomsel Medan Service Center and Iphone Telkomsel Medan customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Iphone Telkomsel Medan customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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